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Jul 25, 2012
You alone are the expert on YOU!
by: Maria Westcott

Hi Shiru,

As a coach, many people come to me for answers or look to me to help them solve their problems.

I can teach you many "truths" about life, such as how the Law of Attraction works or how you are the expert on Shiru and no one else. I can also teach you why it is important to be an "Owner" and not a "Victim" in life. If you take ownership of your situation, you know that you and you alone can do something about it.

Follow your intuition and you will know how to end the relationship.

You might want to ask what is it that the relationship is giving you that keeps you coming back for more? Once you have the answer to that question, you might want to look for other people, situations, places or things that could also give you that same thing.

Imagine It and It Is Yours!


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