My Dose of Positive and Negative Energy

by Elaine
(Fort Washington, MD)

Why I truly believe in the Law of Attraction?

Beause I've experienced a great amount of positive energy and negative energy.

When I lived positively, I seriously attracted what I desired the most. The biggest event that convinced me for good was when I received a free car! After I believed that I would. Too many to name!

And THEN... I started to live negatively. Even my former "best friend", whose negativity hadn't affected me, eventually occupied my everyday life. Everything in my life started going downhill. Let's just say... I lost the job that I acquired with the use of positive energy and effort and even ruined an awesome relationship. When you think bad thoughts, more bad things really start happening. :[

NOW, just recently, I'm back to my positive self and is happier. You know what it took? The boyfriend who pretended not to believe in it tells me that I need to go back to the person I use to be ...positive.

Aw! So, the heck with negative thinking, I'd rather live a positive life!

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