Miracles and LOA

by Kapootala

A miracle is simply a positively answered prayer. In fact, God/Source Energy answers ALL prayer, but sometimes the answer is "no", sometimes it is "not yet", and other times the answer is "yes". - Graham Pockett

Do you have an idea why God who is source energy answers different prayers in different ways except that He, being all all-wise and all-knowing, is aware of what is the best for us – and sometimes that is to answer a prayer in the negative.

Imagine a man who has trouble handling money – every time he earns some money he spends it unwisely. He goes before Source Energy/GOD and asks for a windfall – to win a lottery, or to receive a large inheritance "to solve his financial problems". Source Energy/God would most likely say "no" to that prayer request because giving that person what he wants would not be in his best interests until he can learn to handle the money he has now.

May I have the response from faithful LOA enthusiasts and those who are acolytes/novices ....those in the making.

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Jul 27, 2010
Have Faith
by: Maria Westcott

Hi Kapootala,

I think the answer to your question is FAITH.

When we pray for something or ask the Universe for something, we then need to let it go and KNOW that it will come to us when the time is right and we are ready to receive it. The Universe does not live on the same time schedule as we do and does not deliver or answer a prayer according to the deadlines WE set.

Once you ask for something, you must KNOW that it is on its way to you! You should act as if you already have it and not dwell on "wanting" it any more. If you do, this "wanting" will send the wrong signal to the Universe....a signal of lack!

Believe and have faith that whatever you want is on its way!

Imagine It and It Is Yours!


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