
I know there are many ways of meditation, but I can't figure out how to do it. I can shut my mind up, but once I do that, what do I do?

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Jan 20, 2010
Meditation Suggestions
by: sita

Hello! I would like to offer some techniques in addition to the advice you have already received.

One of the best tools that helps reach a wonderful and peaceful state of meditation is your breathing. Maybe you have heard this before, such as following your breath as you meditate. You would say to yourself "breathe in" as you slowly and comfortably breathe in and then say to yourself "breathe out" as you exhale.

Focusing on your breathing in this way keeps your mind from wandering. There are many other benefits of breating. A wonderful side effect of deep breathing is your mind naturally calms down, and you also get more oxygen to your cells. I would suggest taking deep breaths that totally fill your lungs.

On a daily basis, we normally only use a third of our lung capacity when we breathe, so we are not only meditating, but we are also strengthening our lungs and sending more oxygen through our body.

Just breathe in as your belly expands gently and try to fill your lungs. Once again do this slowly and gently without force. Hold your breath for a moment, if you can, and then exhale pulling your belly in gently and slowly. Do this a few times or more and work your way up to many breaths. Start 5 - 10x and then just breathe normally as you continue your meditation. This naturally calms your mind and will be a great start to your meditation.

If thoughts arise, just be gentle and firm and send them away. It's easy to get caught up in our thoughts, but don't judge yourself for it. Let the thoughts pass and go back to your breathing technique.

As someone else commented...... practice, practice, practice
.........many blessings and I hope this has helped.

Oct 22, 2009
by: Anonymous

It's very difficult at first to make your mind quiet. Here's what did it for me: I was meditating one night and couldn't stop my thoughts. Suddenly, I told myself, "You're a big boy now, you can do this". I'm 32.

Now, that may seem silly, but that little bit of insult I laid on myself, saying, "Hey, take responsibility for your thoughts" pushed me to command my mind that night, not the other way around.

After that, it was practice, practice, practice.

Oct 12, 2009
How to Meditate
by: dr gaurav

It's very important that you learn meditation from a profesional teacher. I would suggest you do an art of living workshop. It did wonders for me!

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