I Want Someone Back!!

by Lucy

There was this guy with whom I had been out on a couple of dates. He used to call me all the time asking me out, etc. But because of my job I am busy and out of the country a lot, so I guess he just got a little tired of chasing me all the time and eventually I stopped hearing from him!

Okay, I could have contacted him, but I just didn't have the confidence and was scared of being rejected!! I deleted his number from my phone and from my email, Facebook, etc. so now I have no way of contacting him.

Now I really miss him so much and want him in my life again, even just as a friend. I tried to manifest him one day and felt that for the first time it really worked. I visualised being with him and being happy. I even visualised how we would meet up again. I managed to concentrate on him, visualise and feel happy like I was actually together with him for almost 40 mins. The thing is that although i managed this at the time, my thoughts over the last few days have reverted back to wanting and missing him!!

Can anyone please give me some advice on how to hold these positive thoughts im my mind??

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May 25, 2010
Notice It And Then Let It Go
by: Maria Westcott

Hi Lucy,

Sometimes we can drive ourselves crazy trying to keep negative thoughts out of our minds. Personally, I find that the best method is to notice the negative thought, say to myself, "Ah, there is THAT negative thought again" and then just let it go. Do not react to it. Do not dwell on it. Do not beat yourself up for having it. Just notice it and then let it pass.

Imagine It and It Is Yours!


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