How to keep your vibration up

by Erin

I've been aware and practicing (to the best of my abilities) Law of Attraction for the past few years. The problem I seem to have with it is, I do really well for a couple days at remembering to keep my vibrations up, then I let it slip to the back of my mind. Does anyone have any tips on reminding yourself several times a day to practice Law of Attraction? I've tried things such as putting post it notes up around my house or photos, which works for a little while, but then they just become background.

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Jul 31, 2010
High vibration through visualization
by: Robert Wilson

I found that if I instill visualizations into my mind by watching visualization videos that make me feel good then I am able to maintain a high vibration. The good feeling pic's, along with the music get stuck in my head like a snappy jingle does. I found a great youtube channel with some amazing videos that I watch all the time. Check it out, They have a website too where they make personal visualization videos for what ever you want. I bet they could make one specifically to maintain a high vibration.

Hope this helps

Feb 27, 2010
vision boards
by: Gina

I think the best way to be reminded to keep your vibration high is to make a vision board of all the things you want along with affirmations and keep it near bed where you will see it when you wake and before you fall asleep, that way you will reminded of it first thing in the morning where it will come in useful during the daytime and last thing before you fall asleep to keep it running in unconciuos mind while you sleep.

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