Comments for How do I manifest financial abundance fast?

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Jul 25, 2012
The Universe delivers in its own time
by: Maria Westcott

Hi Val,

Unfortunately the Universe tends to deliver according to its own time schedule and not ours!

Money is just a means to and end...a tool of exchange for getting something else. What is it that you want "financial abundance fast" for?

If you focus on THAT and trust that it will be delivered in time.

You say that you haven't gotten the hang of it yet. ;) Well, I have just announced a new Law of Attraction 30-Day Boot Camp to help people like you get the LoA to work for them. It starts on August 1st and I'm giving away the first lesson for free.

Check it out at:
Law of Attraction 30-Day Boot Camp

Imagine It and It is Yours!


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