Happy and Positive

by Traci

If I really want something, but I know I don't have it, am I just mainfesting more of the "not having" even though I am very happy and positive?

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Aug 06, 2012
Your Emotions Are A Guide
by: Anonymous

Dear Traci,

If you focus on wanting something, but you are very aware that you don't have it (yet), then the vibration of not having it is dominant. You are vibrationally asking for more of not having it - and you always get what you ask for. You don't ask with your words but through your vibration.

The trick is to get vibrationally in alignment with what you want. And you do that by getting into the feeling place of having it already. Ask yourself how it would feel if you would have it now, and really get the feeling of it. See it, smell it, hear it, taste it, touch it.

Your emotions will tell you what you are manifesting. So, make sure you feel good as often as you can in any way you can think of, and everything will follow according to Law of Attraction.

I hope you find this helpful!

Love & Light,

Jan 03, 2010
Living to the Natural Laws of Attraction
by: kristystarlett

Living By the Natural Law of Attraction!

There are countless natural laws that govern our universe, of which we are all aware and believe in, and base our very existence by. In the same way, there are definite immutable spiritual as well as mental laws, that act in the same way.

A Cause will ALWAYS produce an effect, for good or ill. This law can be incredibly comforting and assuring, or terrifying. The key is, learn to use these supernatural/universal laws to our human advantage!

In this first brief blog entry, I will list a few life changing points/thoughts, followed with a few great resources to further these concepts into ones thought patterns.

Blog #1 on the Natural Law of Attraction:

1. The most powerful world/reality that exists is that of the internal, of the mind, of the spirit realm, the world that is unseen to the human eye.

2. It is safe to say that the people, places, and things showing up in your life is simply a manifestation of what has been contemplated/thought within.

3.With this realization, we can learn to see everything outward as a REFLECTION, not in a judgmental view, but in a view of AWARENESS. With this awareness, we can then learn to control and decide with great accuracy what thoughts and reality we choose to show up in our lives, and how we choose the way things will effect us.

This is literally a new way of thinking, and an incredibly RICH way of life. Please check out a few links that will take this concept to a deeper, richer level, and let this be the year we live out what our Creator truly intended us to be! Many Blessings!

Link #1 The next step in creating A life Beyond Imagination!! Follow to:


Link #2 The secret behind the book the secret! In depth! Follow to:


Link #3 Amazing information 11 immutable laws of attraction!


Dec 19, 2009
Doesn't Really Matter
by: Sharon

Hi Traci

You are either manifesting "not having" or "wanting". Either way your manifestation is working, just not in the way you'd hoped.

You need to start believing and feeling that what you want is already yours and that all you need to do is reach out a grab it. You will then start noticing opportunities that went unnoticed previously that, if taken, will change your reality.

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