As one of the inspirational teachers in the movie The Secret, Dr Ben Johnson explains how he was able to heal himself and now others using The Healing Codes.
Dr. Ben Johnson recently appeared on the panel of experts who starred in The Secret which has recently gained worldwide acclaim.
For those of you who may not yet heard of The Secret, it is a recent production that was released revealing the limitless power of individuals to shape their lives by becoming conscious of and harmonizing their thoughts, emotions, and actions with The Law Of Attraction.
Not only has Dr Ben Johnson personally experienced the miracle changing power of The Law of Attraction that the Secret DVD has so successfully spread around the world at an alarming rate, but has also experienced first hand the miracle of healing from a disease that according to the conventional medical community has been labelled as irreversible and widely believed to be a virtual death sentence.
Ben has experienced a series of remarkable transformations over the past few years. Not only has his life been spared from what was considered an irreversible and terminal disease known as Lou Gehrigs disease but his recent appearance on the Secret DVD has enabled him to gain further exposure better enabling him to inform others on a worldwide scale of their personal ability to supercharge their immune system. The testimonials received almost daily have made a profound impact on his life and further supports Dr Ben Johnson’s decision to spread the word regarding The Healing Codes.
Based on the thousands of testimonials that Ben has had the pleasure of being exposed to, The Healing Codes has not only taught literal thousands how to reverse serious illness and disease both physically as well as emotionally, but also is credited with supercharging the bodies immune system which will not allow further illness and disease to develop. In addition his appearance on The Secret has gained him worldwide acclaim.
Dr. Ben Johnson is one of the masters in The Masters Gathering.
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Maria Westcott
The Mind's Eye Productions
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