Charles F Haanel Master Key System

Charles F Haanel - The Father of Personal Development and author of The Master Key System, the book that is rumored to be the secret of Bill Gates' success!

Charles F Haanel (May 22, 1866 - November 27, 1949) was a famous businessman and author who was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan but spent most of his childhood in St Louis, Missouri. His most well-known work is The Master Key System, which he wrote in 1912. This was one of the original great Law of Attraction books, which describes how to realise abundance in your life in many ways. 

The Master Key System is structured as a 24-chapter self-development course which teaches people how to get rich, healthy and have an abundant life. He later added four additional chapters to this book. 

Charles Haanel actually practiced what he preached and became a very successful businessman. He left his employer of 15 years to start out on his own in the business of running a plantation to raise sugar and coffee. This proved to be very successful. Later he went on to consolidate 8 smaller companies into the Continental Commercial Company and he founded the Sacramento Valley Improvement Company and the Mexico Gold & Silver Mining Company. 

His books still sell many copies today and he was even recently cited in the book and movie The Secret.

His famous works include:

  • Master Key Arcana
  • You
  • The Amazing Secrets of the Yogi
  • The New Psychology

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Maria Westcott
The Mind's Eye Productions

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